Application Form
Please click on the Category of Membership you wish to apply for below. Then select your application date and click preview quote to confirm membership pricing and then to submit your personal details for your Membership Application.
Please note:
- All Ranfurlie Golf Club Memberships are for 12 months from the date of joining
- As of the 1st April 2025, all Full Membership categories are subject to a $1000 Joining Fee
- Lifestyle will incur a $100 administration fee upon joining
- Lifestyle Members that play after 3.30pm will pay a $10 Green Fee, and only have afternoon access on Saturdays.
- All Junior and Junior Provisional Memberships are exempt from additional admin or joining fees.
- Membership applications are subject to a minimum 14 day waiting period from the date of application
- Applications are circulated and displayed to Members for a minimum of 14 days prior to acceptance. Once accepted and payment has been made, Member privileges shall be granted
- Subscriptions are due and payable annually in advance, unless utilizing the monthly payment system
- All monthly payment plans are for a minimum of 12 payments, debited on the 7th of each month
- Resignations or Category changes should be notified in writing 1 month prior to the upcoming membership renewal
Ranfurlie 7, Ranfurlie 7 (18-25), Ranfurlie 7 Junior & Ranfurlie 7 Junior Provisional are currently waitlisted.
If you submit an application for these categories, you will not become a member until such time there is an availability.
Options are available for Ranfurlie 7, if you would like further information please email: